Increase your online visibility

Last time we spoke about your website never being finished, and how you can make sure that your site ranks high in search engines. Another useful way is to create inbound links, that means links from other websites to yours. No don’t go ahead and swap links with any old website that has no relation to yours. But do consider the following. What if blogs on topics that you are interested in and that relate to your business would link back to your website? That would be quality linking!

The way to achieve this is to find blogs in your field and comment on posts. The comment boxes usually require you to fill in your name, your website and an email address (the latter is not always required). Some will require you to login with an existing account, such as WordPress or Google or Facebook, but all of these are (hopefully) linked to your website, which is where your link will come from.
In addition, finding your name associated with quality comments will establish you as an expert in your field, with people wanting to find out more about you and clicking the link to your website.

How to make quality comments

  • Ask a relevant question
  • Offer advice on or a solution to a problem discussed
  • Talk about how the topic has affected you
  • Offer an alternative point of view
  • A general comment about your experience of the particular blog or website

Also important

  • use good grammar and proper spelling
  • be polite
  • keep it short (lengthy comments tend not to be read)

What not to do

  • Leaving spammy comments with lots of links to your site
  • Just saying “great post” or “I’ll be back”
  • Talk about a completely irrelevant or off topic subject

That just leaves one more question:

What sort of blogs should you seek out?

Find blogs that are related to

  • your industry
  • your existing clients’ industries
  • your ideal clients’ industries
  • topics you know your existing and potential clients are interested in

And now, armed with your knowledge of how to leave quality comments, go forth and create some great comments that are going to invite people to find out more about you and your business.